بِسْمِ اللّٰھِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمٍ

AHLAN WA SAHLAN.................



Ayo kembali pada Al Qur'an & As Sunnah yang sesuai dengan pemahaman Rasulullah dan para Sahabat beliau............


..........Dalam ibadah niatkan karena Cinta kepada Allah SWT, karena takut adzab neraka Allah SWT, dan karena mengharap balasan surga dari Allah SWT. Insya Allah itu dapat mengantarkan qta ikhlas dalam beribadah.......

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Do U Know ?????????

Do U Know ?????????

Asslmkm Wr Wb

1. Three Board [Go] to Bliss :

A number of bright people, sandwiching 3 valuable board above its desk. [At] written first board " Your Day [is] now, your day [is] now." Its meaning, live You in just boundary today. [second] Board writing down " Think of and is grateful". Its intention, thinking of about enjoying which [is] Allah give that, grateful later then. And third board write down " Don'T angry". Third this board represent three advice to send You to bliss

( Al-Qorni )

2. Attentive To 4 Matter :

Because he make life become difficultly, feeling depress and chest oppress, even can generate disease of physical

1. Grumbling and [do] not accept qadha' and Allah qadar of SWT

2. [Doing/Conducting] immoral and [do] not accompany [by] repentance.

3. Heartburning and grudge to humanity of passed to Allah grant from above them.

4. Look away from considering Allah

( DR। ' Aidh Qarni )

Wasslmkm Wr Wb

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